Sergeant Susie Show

Today’s photo project feature is one of my personal pursuits! Yes I am crazy, I’ve started two podcasts at the same time! This one, however, is a Mother-Daughter angle co-hosted with my Mom, Susie.

The Sergeant Susie Show Podcast with Hosts Kelly Heck & Susie Heck | Kelly Heck Photography

The Sergeant Susie Show is a podcast for Mamas who want to raise awesome kids (and have fun doing it). Mom and I both believe that raising well-behaved children who grow into respected adults is easier than many think (not the being a parent part, that will ALWAYS be hard work). Why? Well, I’m a new mom, and I want ALL the advice I can get! And I figured, others might too!

The Sergeant Susie Show Podcast with Hosts Kelly Heck & Susie Heck | Kelly Heck Photography

I wanted to create something really special that I can look back on, and my son can too. The podcast cover-art and portraits for the website design and social outreach needed to be top-notch. So I started searching Pinterest! And in doing so, we found lots of Mother-Daughter inspiration online. That planning made ALL the difference – and I absolutely love how our SGT Susie photos turned out!! When planning your own photos, I highly encourage you to find inspiration elsewhere too – find other photos you love, and note the lighting, colors, and poses that speak to you.

I invite you to join the SGT Susie fanbase (which is new and small, but growing): subscribe to our show on your chosen podcast platform, follow us on Facebook and Instagram and YouTube. And submit your parenting questions; we’d love to feature you on the show.

The Sergeant Susie Show Podcast with Hosts Kelly Heck & Susie Heck | Kelly Heck Photography