Meet Dr. Casey Havemann of “AVS”, Ambulatory Veterinary Surgery

Yesterday I had a once-in-a-lifetime experience of overseeing a major surgery at a veterinary OR. Dr. Catherine Havemann, or “Casey”. She is a traveling veterinary surgeon, and her company is called AVS – Ambulatory Veterinary Surgery. Before my eyes, Dr. Casey successfully removed a gallbladder from a sweet dog. It was pretty mesmerizing as I photographed her and her team working their magic.

My husband Adam Stultz (phenomenal cinematographer BTW), tagged along to film behind-the-scenes as I worked some non-intrusive photo magic. (Adam is carefully creating the b-roll for a Kelly Heck Photography promo video, and I’m so excited and nervous! Yes, we media creators are nervous to be in our own visual content, just like you!)

What I really love is that in a promo video for my own business, I will equally get to spotlight the talented clients and their businesses that I serve… and in this case, we’re spotlighting a business that she serves as well! Dr. Casey is a specialty traveling surgeon, and for today’s surgery, she visited Mount Carmel Animal Hospital in Monkton, Maryland.

Business truly is a community, and we all rise together!

So now let me tell you more about our photo sessions with Casey. We split her photo needs across two photo shoots. The first was a visit to her home. This photo shoot focused on professional portraits and headshots of Dr. Casey. For some, we used a plain white wall (which behaves much like a white infinity wall or white seamless), and for some we used her living room and dinning room. We also got her two sweet pets involved: Berma the pooch (tell me that isn’t the absolute cutest name), and Lord help me I can’t remember her cat’s name (but she didn’t want to be photographed anyway so we will spare her the publicity).

We timed Casey’s portraits so that we would have the house to ourselves for the first half of the photo session. Because THEN… her sweet wife Kait and twins arrived from daycare! Casey wanted some of her photo shoot to feature her sweet family, because sometimes that is what personal branding is all about.

Dr. Catherine "Casey" Havemann of Ambulatory Veterinary Surgery | Advanced Surgical Services for Pets of Maryland | Kelly Heck Photography
Dr. Catherine "Casey" Havemann of Ambulatory Veterinary Surgery | Advanced Surgical Services for Pets of Maryland | Kelly Heck Photography

Then next up was surgery day. This is REAL surgery guys. The room was sterile and it was made very clear that I too needed to be very careful not to get too close. Dr. Casey was so focused, as was her Vet Tech and the team at Mount Carmel Animal Hospital. These are all action shots, besides the two stop-and-grin portraits of Dr. Casey and her Vet Tech, Chris.

Dr. Catherine "Casey" Havemann of Ambulatory Veterinary Surgery | Advanced Surgical Services for Pets of Maryland | Kelly Heck Photography
Dr. Catherine "Casey" Havemann of Ambulatory Veterinary Surgery | Advanced Surgical Services for Pets of Maryland | Kelly Heck Photography

Casey is working on a new website which should go live near the end of 2023. I can’t wait to see it!