I think Nate Gesse wins the “2021 Easiest To Work With Customer of the Year Award“. But joking aside, Nate is a great example of a Petite Portrait Session – he was after a quick and easy professional headshot. And in the theme of keeping it simple, he wanted to come to me. Well, I don’t have an official studio space at the moment (it’s in the works!!), but I have scoped out some tried-and-true photo spots near my home-base. So we trekked across the street to this gorgeous metal flashing wall with a travel light and waaaa-laaaa! In about 15 to 20 minutes, we were finished and he was on his way back home to spend the evening with his family.
What blew me away is that Nate live here, pretty close to me. But he works in LA, and flies there every week! Truly a man that loves what he does. Nate is the Chief Operating Officer at MNX Global Logistics. And he’s now the sexiest looking motha on that website team page, IMHO. 😉 MNX provides specialized time, temperature and security sensitive transportation and logistics services worldwide – visit their website at www.mnx.com if you’d like to learn more!