Meet “LMW” LaScuola MotorWorks of Sykesville and Randallstown, Maryland

LaScuola MotorWorks has two locations in Eldersburg & Randallstown, offering Auto Repair Services including tune-ups, transmission repair, tire replacement, brake repair, and other services for your car.

LMW - LaScuola MotorWorks of Sykesville and Randallstown Maryland | Kelly Heck Photography

When John LaScuola reached out, I was tickled. He is one of my clients that eventually inspired this blog post, The Professional Difference: Why Skilled Photographers are Worth the Investment. John had been around the block with other photographers, and was ready to get serious about high quality photography. Their shoot started like any other job I dedicate myself to, but as we were wrapping up, John and his brother stopped to thank me. No other photographer had ever brought more than a camera (and I was there with multiple lights, light stands, light modifiers, and back-up gear), let alone posed and coached their team into believable poses and expressions. And we took quite an assortment of photos! John wanted to create a large collection to use on their website, social media, and their digital sign at the Sykesville location.

We even got a little goofy! Most of the time I am the one suggesting funny or off-the-wall shots, but this time John and the gang were the ones asking… “If we stage a silly photo, do you think you could Photoshop in some smoke coming out of the engine?” And my answer… “HECK YES.” Always take the funny shot!

LMW - LaScuola MotorWorks of Sykesville and Randallstown Maryland | Kelly Heck Photography