I got to kick off the new year celebrating and photographing the Grand Opening of Hexagon Purus in Westminster, MD. HP is the global leader in key technologies needed for zero emission mobility, providing type 4 high-pressure cylinders, fuel storage and distribution systems for hydrogen, complete vehicle systems and battery packs for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles (FCEV and BEV).
Clean air is a right, not a privilege.
Originally we were going to do the works, but Hexagon ended up having to cut their budget back for media coverage. The new ask was that I as the photographer would just cover the 2-hour grand opening. But I took a chance and asked what the full budget was. It’s not every day that your Leadership and Executives fly in from Germany! The budget had some wiggle room. So while we couldn’t do the works, we did have the opportunity to incorporate a mix of portraiture. (Never by shy to share your real budget. If you don’t, you might be leaving opportunity on the table!)
After documenting the grand opening, team members Olivia Brown (based in Westminster, MD) and Ina Juenemann (based in Germany / Kassel) and I jumped straight into Leadership Team Headshots. I think we had about 8 people on board for headshots. I riffed with each of them as I directed their positioning and smiles. What began as 8 hesitant participants quickly turned into 14 eager participants. You see, I was set up in the conference room. Those leaders from out of town were using the conference room space as their satellite office for the day. Those that hadn’t “signed up” saw how fun and easy the process was and they were seeing the results. One after another asked, “do you mind taking my portrait too?” This response made my day. (May I boast for a few seconds? I really am easy to work with. Photo day isn’t something to dread, it’s an event to look forward to! Just check out my testimonials – review after review raving about a great experience!)

Then we wrapped up the day with Employee Spotlight Portraits, featuring two of Hexagon Purus’ valuable team members. These portraits will probably have various uses, but the intended use now is for Recruitment Marketing. And we threw a few product shots in the mix too.