Meet Steve Moore of Run Moore – The 2019 Best Running Stores In America

Run Moore of Westminster, Maryland was nominated by the public as one of the top 50 Best Running Stores In America for 2019!! The organization reviewed Run Moore’s community involvement, store reviews, sent secret shoppers and checked out their social media reach. Owner Steve Moore found out April 1st that Run Moore made the list! And this past weekend, Steve flew to Tucson AZ to receive an award and mingle with other running store owners. I was so honored to take his portrait, which will be published… more details to come!

Steve has been very involved in our community, is a skilled runner, and wonderful to his customers. View a video below by the organization to view all the winners.

Steve Moore | RUN MOORE - Carroll County's Premier Running Shop | Kelly Heck Photography

Steve Moore | RUN MOORE - Carroll County's Premier Running Shop | Kelly Heck Photography