While I’ve only been a few times, Shelter Systems is one of my favorite clients to visit. Not only are they wildly friendly, but they are so very trusting and let me do my thing freely as if I was one of the team.
Jason called me up asking for help with a company wide photo. We has just completed a large round of executive headshots and many new candid photos across the shop floor earlier that month. It’s always so nice to be asked back! Plus, I was excited to hear I’d be in a lift, if I dared (HECK YES!!).
The first thing I thought was that I need some help getting photos of me doing THIS job! So my trusty hubby tagged along. Boy did he do a great job covering what was a very quick assignment with a lot of physical ground to cover. Here’s a few of my favorite photos from that job:

This assignment was literally to get ONE company photo. After much photoshopping to remove things like stickers stuck all over the pavement and stray pieces of wood and the business across the street, to swapping out the American and Maryland flags for a better blowing-in-the-wind look, and changing about a dozen neon yellow & orange shirts to pink, here is our final result! The best shot was at the highest vantage point for sure, and I’m so glad that I am not afraid of heights. Thank you Shelter Systems for your trust – I can’t wait to be back again!