4 Easy Tricks to Master “Flow Posing” & Never Look Awkward in Portraits Again

You’re staring down the barrel of a camera lens like that of a gun… petrified, stiff, and awkward… what do you do?

Even though posing you is MY my job, I am not always there with you when photo opportunities arise. So when you don’t have access to your photog, think about flow posing.

The idea of “Flow Posing” is moving through a series of poses in a short amount of time as the photographer captures picture after picture. There are 4 tricks you can work on to master flow posing.

4 Easy Tricks to Master Flow Posing & Never Look Awkward in Portraits Again | Kelly Heck Photography

1. Touch

Flow posing kinda requires you to get a bit into yourself. Touch is very important. Whether is just you (an individual portrait), two love-birds, or a family. Sometimes it’s even appropriate to (professionally) connect with team members for creative group shots.

If it’s solo portraits, touch and slide your hands around your figure. As you gently move from one position to the next, think about running your fingers around all your shapes, lines, and curves. And while this sounds more in tune with what women might want to do, men can do this too… play with your wrist, your cuff links, your pockets, your tie, your beard/chin.

If you are with a significant other or family, touch and connect, hug, tickle, and nuzzle.

2. Bend

They say… if it bends, BEND IT. Put shape into your fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, angles, and toes. Work every single joint as you glide your hands around your figure.

This post is starting to sound a little sexy! And you SHOULD feel sensual. Loving and caressing your figure is a MUST. If you feel awkward, giggle it out. Those smiles will be worth a million dollars!

3. Exaggerate

Over extend. Over stretch. Over bend. Over push. Over pull. Exaggerate your poses from one extreme to the next. A lot of great poses are fairly extreme tilts, turns, twist, pushes, and pulls. In fact, most poses don’t feel natural. And if you are moving slowly (flowing, right?), that means your photographer has the opportunity to catch both subtle poses as well as the exaggerated.

4. Express

Flow posing pairs perfectly with flowing expressions! Smile, giggle, laugh, smirk, relax, gaze, and get serious and mysterious. Varying your expressions and your portraits will allow your photographer to capture a variety of moods. Changing your line of eye-sight is a great idea too… look at the camera, gaze past the camera or to the side, look to the floor, or close your eyes as you contemplate all that you are grateful for. This too alters the mood and adds some spice to the mix.

Some additional helpful tools that can get in the fun + comfy zone of “flow” are:

  • Good Music (tunes that you can move too rhythmically)
  • A Little Privacy (just you and the photog – we don’t need an audience!)
  • Props & Things (bring some of your favorite wardrobe pieces, accessories, and props)
  • A Drink? (this one is true, but take it lightly – just one drink to cut the edge)

Your spotlight awaits!

It is time to nail those flawless portraits.